Step 1
Sanitize everything you will be using, including the bottles. Anything that comes in contact with the beer has the potential to contaminate it and that will ruin the beer and the effort you've made so far.
Step 2
Transfer the beer from the fermenter to the bucket using the siphon. Placing the fermenter on a table or chair will help with the siphoning process. Try to get as much of the beer out of the fermenter as possible without getting the layer of yeast on the bottom.
Step 3
Prime the beer by adding sugar. The yeast will ferment the sugar, adding carbonation. Adding corn sugar or dry malt extract will give you the desired results. Before you add the sugar, you must mix it with boiling water and then let it cool. Boiling the sugar water will sanitize it. When the sugar water is cooled, it can be added to the bucket.
Step 4
Bottle the beer by pouring the liquid from the bucket into the bottles. Fill one bottle at a time, using the siphon. Fill the bottle to within an inch of the top of the bottle. Cap the bottles within an hour of when you add the sugar to the beer mixture.
Step 5
Wait. You will need to wait at least two weeks until your bottled beers are ready to drink. It is ideal to keep the bottles at room temperature to promote the fermentation and aging process.
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